by Chris O'Byrne | Mar 25, 2018 | Authors, Blog, Book Marketing, Business Growth, Self Publishing, Writing A Book
While that might be true, don’t let that limit you. I want you to change your mindset from “this is a limit” to “this is an opportunity,” because it is. Most entrepreneurs spend way too much time and too many years trying to do...
by Chris O'Byrne | Mar 25, 2018 | Authors, Blog, Book Marketing, Business Growth, Self Publishing, Writing A Book
Limiting beliefs are those beliefs that hold us back from accomplishing great things in our life. I’m going to talk to you about 10 limiting beliefs about writing and publishing a book, something that most of us don’t think we can do or that we think is...
by Chris O'Byrne | Nov 14, 2016 | Blog, Building Character, Writing A Book
Anyone can write a book; just string a bunch of words together, and you’re done. Go on Amazon, and you’ll find thousands of books that will never make a difference. Most of those were written either to satisfy the author’s ego or in a sad attempt to...
by Chris O'Byrne | Oct 5, 2016 | Blog, Book Marketing
The following is a guest post by Debbie O’Byrne, JETLAUNCH’s premier cover designer. Self-publishing is growing rapidly, and indie authors find themselves competing with, and often out-selling, traditionally published authors. Traditional publishers are...
by Chris O'Byrne | May 3, 2016 | Authors, Blog, Business Growth, Self Publishing
Sometime last year I was listening to a podcast that featured Dan Norris. I had never heard of him before. The focus of the podcast was Dan’s successful company, WP Curve, but he also mentioned his book, The 7 Day Startup. Being an entrepreneur and fascinated with the...
by Chris O'Byrne | Apr 25, 2016 | Blog, Self Publishing
There are many ways for a fiction author to “make it.” The following is method of research, testing, and analysis one way to get started and build financial success as a fiction author. Step 1: Research The basis of this approach is to make the business decision to...